QEC Event Detail

  • Topic:

    Assessment Team visit for evaluating the PhD programs at Peshawar Campus
  • Host:

    Fast-Nuces Pwr
  • Date:


Event Description

Quality Enhancement Cell of Peshawar campus arranged Assessment Team (AT) visits for PhD Computer Science and PhD Electrical Engineering on Wednesday, June 23, 2022. Both programs went under the Self-assessment Process for the third time. The ATs were composed of one internal and one external subject expert. The AT for PhD Electrical Engineering was Dr. Abdul Basit, Academic Program Developer, Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy, University of Engineering Technology, Peshawar, and Dr. Usman Abbasi, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NUCES(FAST), Peshawar. Likewise, AT for PhD Computer Science was Dr. Bilal Jan, FATA university, and Dr. Muhammad Taimoor Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, NUCES(FAST), Peshawar. Both the ATs evaluated the programs while reviewing the Self-assessment Report and interacted with faculty and students. The visits concluded in an exit meeting where findings were shared with the campus director in a form of AT reports.

Assessment Team (AT) visits for PhD Computer Science and PhD Electrical Engineering

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